Monday, January 14, 2008

Ray in the Snowstorm
January 9, 2007
We sent this picture into KUTV to have them put it on the news to show how much snow Bear River had got after the snowstorm on Tues. & Wed. They didn't put it on the news but they put it on their website. Ray was so thrilled to have his picture on the News website it was a proud day for him.

Christmas Morning 2007
Ellie, Ray & Jarett slowing down after spending time with the family and opening presents at Mama's & Papa's.

Ray with one of his toothey grins at Mama's and Papa's Christmas morning.

Every year on Christmas Morning we go to Mama's and Papa's to have Christmas Breakfast then open presents. This was one of the presents Jarett & Ray got from Mama and Papa. Its T-shrit money in the shape of a shirt they were so excited. They loved it.

Ray Christmas Morning 2007
Ray wasn't so sure he wanted to get up either. He said he was "Comfty"

Jarett Christmas Morning 2007
Jarett wasn't sure he wanted to get up yet. I guess he forgot that Santa stoped the night before.

Christmas Eve 2007
Every Christmas Eve the boys get to open a present from on another. They were so excited that they got to open a present we could hardly keep them in there seats.

Ray & Santa 2007

Ray getting his goodies from Santa

(Look at the grin)

Jarett & Santa 2007
Jarett getting his goodies from Santa at the Town Christmas Dance.

Christmas Dance 2007
Each year the town has a Christmas Dance for everyone. The boys love going and dancing the night away this year we made it a little late but they still were able to dance a little bit before Santa made his grand apperance. They had a blast.