Thursday, February 21, 2008

*Who eats more: Definitly him.
*Who said I love you first: I don't remember
*Who is smarter: He's smarter
*Who does the laundry: We both do
*Who does the dishes: Curtis most of the time.
*Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: I do.
*Who mows the lawn: Curtis does he is a perfectionist, I don't do it right
*Who cooks dinner: Curtis does most of the time
*Who drives when you are together: Curtis does, I am accident prone
*Who kissed who first: He kissed me first.
*Who asked who out first: Curtis asked me out first
*Who has more siblings: Curtis- 4, Me-5
*Who wears the pants: Curtis does
*What have I left out: Curtis is an awesome dad and a wonderful husband. He takes really good care of me and the boys and I like knowing that he is there whenever I may need him. I am gald that I married him, Him and the boys are the best thing that has ever happend to me.


Jamie said...

Don't tell Curt.. but I think you are smarter. :D

Cute post!

Val said...

It's fun to read these things about you two. When are you guys coming down for dinner??

Kristen said...

What a cute post!!!