Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jarett with his paper saying he graduated to the 2nd grade.
He was so excited.
Mrs. Wilsons class all got an award for the end of the year they were so excited.

This is the last picture we took of Jaretts 1st grade class.
top: Veronica, Dalton, Zeb, Klayson, Teinna, Quin
Middle: Mekenna, Logan, Dusty, Kyra, Jeremy, Alberto, Ren
Bottom: Haylee, Jarett, Kevin, Kolbyn, Hayden, Andy
Sitting: Kourtney, Makala, Wayne, Mrs. Wilson.


Jamie said...

Jarett looks so grown up with his glasses!!

I can't believe he will be in 2nd grade!! Crazy!!

Enjoy him over the summer!!

I love the pics of you below.... I hope you win the contest! :)

The.Marcellus.Family said...

My blog isn't private should be able to click on it?

I think I may of done it wrong.. haha
try one more time.

The.Marcellus.Family said...

Thats the thing, I'm not sure if I am or not. Just am having signs. But ya never know.
Thanks for wittin me back:)